Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door, released in the year 2004, is a type of role-playing video game that is the second game in the Paper Mario series. The Intelligent System developed the game for the GameCube.
The Thousand-Year Door revolves around Mario, who is on a quest to save Princess Peach from the X-Nauts and attempts to reclaim the seven Crystal Stars. Mario has special abilities that enable him to make unique moves to the overworld, and they are all based on paper themes.
The game comprises many gameplay features from its predecessor game Paper Mario such as the turn-based system, which focuses more on the action, and a drawing-based art style. Even though the player can take control of Princess Peach and Bowser at a certain point, most of the players control Mario.
In the turn-based system, the players can select defense, attack, or select item from a menu, which gets expanded when they press the time button, and this can result in high defense or attack bonuses when performed rightly.
Games like Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door need to run an emulator called GameCube on your device if you want to play the game. GameCube emulators had better graphics and audio quality. It even supports platforms such as iOS, Windows PC, and Android.
GameCube emulators that are good for your device include Dolphin, which supports all platforms, Dolwin, Whine Cube, SuperGCube, and GCEMU.
Among the Mario video games, there are many other games too, which are equally impressive as this version. Three of the Thousand-Year Door related games are: