
Pokemon Fire Red

Pokemon Firered like all Pokemon games are based on same platform and the style of playing is the same. In this version you can modify your game settings and when someone else is challenging you on a battle the screen of the game turns into battlefield and you can perform attack from your pokemon.

Parameters Values
File Name: 1695 - Pokemon Fire Red (U)(Independent).zip
Console/System: GBA
Genre: Role-Playing
Filesize: 5.08MB
Region: Japanese
Year of release: 2004
Downloads: 334881

Pokemon Fire Red ROM Download for GBA 

Pokemon Fire Red is an upgraded version of Pokemon Red and Blue, developed by Game Freak. In this game, the player catches and raises Pokemon for use in the battle. The new feature added to this version is the help menu and a new region, which the player can access at any time. 

The game is compatible with the Game Boy Advance Wireless Adapter, initially integrated with the game. Like all Pokemon games, the fiery Pokemon is based on the same platform, and the style of play is the same. In this version, you can change your game settings, and when someone challenges you in battle, the game screen turns into a battlefield, and you can make attacks from your Pokemon.

The game's file size is 5.08MB with more than 1.5 Lakh downloads and was first released on January 29, 2004. It is a role-playing video game based on the Game Boy Advance Platform. The game has brand new features and new ways to capture the Pokemon, and it is time for a completely new revolution in the new Pokemon region of Kanto. The world could contain many cities where each city usually has a Pokemon Center (where you can heal your Pokemon), Pokemart (where you can buy things), and many Gyms to compete with your Pokemon to see who is the most powerful. Aside from completing your Pokedex, hitting gym leaders in each gym is your primary goal in the matter of becoming a Pokemon League Champion! Shooting Pokemon is another important element of the game. During a wild Pokemon fight, a player can throw a Poke Ball into it. If Pokemon is successfully photographed, it will fall under the player's ownership. Features in the measurement success of the catch include the HP of the target Pokemon and the type of Poke Ball used: a lower HP target and a more robust Poke Ball, increasing the success rate of the catch. The game supports the Game Boy Advance Game Link cable. Players can connect with Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire and the Pokemon Colosseum, which allows them to get over 350 Pokemon.


Red Fire contains usability enhancements as a primary tutorial feature that allows players to view data at any time in the game. Additionally, as they progressed through the saved game, the players were shown the last four steps they had taken, helping to remember what they had done before. Red Fire also can connect to GameCube and connect to Pokemon Box: Ruby and Sapphire. In the Pokemon Box, the player can edit and view their collected Pokemon, while in the Colosseum, the Pokemon can be used in battle. Red Fire is also the first game in the series to coincide with the Game Boy Advance Wireless Adapter game, which comes with games. The adapter can be connected to the Game Boy Advance connecting port and allow players to connect wirelessly within 30-50 meters. In addition, up to 30 players can simultaneously join a particular area called "Union Room", where they can trade, fight or negotiate. Every Pokemon has hidden points (HP); when the HP of Pokemon is falls to zero, it can no longer fight until it's revived. When Pokemon opponents faint, every player's Pokemon participates in a battle that earns a certain amount of experience points (EXP). After collecting enough EXP, Pokemon will increase. Like all Pokemon role-playing games with portable consoles, Red Fire is in third place, with the highest visibility. The big screen is the upper world, where the player roams the protagonist. A menu icon can be found. The player can configure his Pokemon settings, items, and playlists; when a player encounters a wild Pokemon or is challenged by a coach, the screen switches to a turn-based battle screen showing the players and shares Pokemon. During the battle, a player can choose to move his Pokemon to perform, use something, change his active Pokemon, or try to escape.



As this game is third-person, overhead perspective, the main screen is an overworld where the player operates the protagonist. The player gets an option to change or choose a move for the Pokemon to perform. 

Apart from this, capturing Pokemon is an essential element of the video game. At the battle stage, the player can even throw Poke Ball while fighting with a wild Pokemon. Every new feature and element in Pokemon Fire Red makes it more enjoyable and gives pleasure to the person playing. 


Best Emulator for Pokemon Fire Red


As this game is a part of the Pokemon video games series, you need to install the Game Boy Advance (GBA) emulator before downloading the game.

A few of the Game Boy Advance emulators which are suitable for your Windows PC are ePSXe, higan, PCSX2, Virtual Console, and so on. If you are using MAC then, mGBA, BoyCott Advance, and OpenEmu would be good GBA emulators.


Similar Game


After playing the Pokemon Fire Red, you may also find pleasure in playing other Pokemon-related games. They are listed below:


  1. Pokemon Colosseum : The game in Pokemon Colosseum is set in the deserted region of Orre. Here, a former member of Team Snagem, Wes is the protagonist. During the game, the player rescues Shadow Pokemon. The player, Wes, travels through different places and villages, battling with enemies and completing quests. Pokemon Colosseum is different from other Pokemon games because here, it does not feature random encounters. Most of the battle in this version is a double battle format, that is, two Pokemon on each side at the same time. Isn't this something unique and outstanding?

  2. Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Version : Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Version have added many new features like Internet play over the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, change in the battle mechanics, and Pokemon Contests, adding up to 107 new Pokemon. Now that's a whole lot of new players to have fun with! Even though the games are independent of each other, the features are more alike and broadly the same plot, making it necessary to trade between them to complete the Pokedex games. 

  3. Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon : The game is an upgraded version of the Pokemon Sun and Moon. The difference is the alternative storyline, gameplay features, some characters, Pokemon forms, including new ways of legendary Pokemon Necrozma as version charms. The game comprises adventure elements set in the Alola region, based in Hawaii. 


The Pokemon Red Fire Version is a 2004 amendment to the 1996 video game version of Game Boy Pokemon Red and Blue. Produced by Game Freak and published by The Pokemon Company and Nintendo's Game Boy Advance. The game has received excellent reviews. Many critics have praised the fact that the games introduced new features while preserving the traditional series game. 

The acceptance of graphics and sound was very mixed, with some reviewers complained that they were much more straightforward and had less progress than previous games. As in the last games, the player controls the player's character from the top view and participates in turn-based battles. Red Fire was first presented in Japan in January 2004 and North America and Europe in September 2004.

 The game is part of the third Generation of the Pokemon game series and carries the distinction of being the first improved result of previous games within the franchise. Red Fire has become a commercial success, selling a total of 12 million copies worldwide. Nearly two years after their first release, Nintendo re-marketed them as Player's Choice titles. Throughout the game, the player takes and raises the Pokemon to be used in battle. New features include a content help menu and a new region that the player can access after a certain point in the story. 

Line of Story

The story begins with a young coach on the Kanto continent who raises dreams, aspirations to become a great Pokemon coach. However, a mysterious criminal organization known as Team Rocket appeared with a desire to conquer the rest of the continent by armed forces, the war-torn Pokemon. So our hero must "miss" the mission of rescuing the entire empire by training and defeating eight departmental GYM leaders to earn honorary badges to prove his skills.

Turn-based battles help you explore the vast world of Pokemon, depending on the process of discovering traditional fighting based on the following answer, Pokemon Red Fire gives players a battle between the fierce Pokemon and the participants. Each victory will provide you with the amount of experience needed to climb and help the animals transform into powerful Pokemon.

Players can also pick up a new Pokemon while Kanto is available.

New Look

With a well-designed and bright art background, game scenes seem to fit in, especially when compared to the original "black and white" Pokemon Green and Red. The soundtrack is a bit low, but it's hard to find out more about the game released for the console..

The main features of the Pokemon Red Fire are:

Most of the themes remain the same, except for some of them listed below.


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