It is a platform video game released for the PlayStation by Sony Computer Entertainment in 1999. The game revolves around an ape known as Specter, who gains enhanced intelligence and a malicious streak through an experimental helmet. Specter forms an army of apes, and he sends it through time to rewrite history. The player plays the role of Spike, who aims to capture the apes. It's the first game that requires the use of Dual shock. With his friends Natalie and the Professor, Spike travels back in time to capture every one of the apes. The Professor assists the player with numerous gadgets. There are tutorials also available in the game. The player can try every single little tutorial in the control room. They explain the puzzles, new gadgets, and how the game works. The game consists of 20 massive levels, and to clear them, the player has to capture a certain number of monkeys. Each of the game's huge levels is filled with colors and detail. In addition to the stunning visuals, the game has a strong soundtrack.
The story begins when Specter puts on a prototype Helmet created by a Professor. It increases his intelligence but also twists his mind and turns him evil. Specter gives the Helmets to all the monkeys and sets them free. They take over the laboratory of the Professor, where they find a time machine. The protagonist Spike and his best friend Jake arrive at the lab, and all the other monkeys, get transported to various periods. Professor tasks Spike to find all of the monkeys dispersed across time and send them back to the present. In the end, Spike has to face Specter and defeat them.
The PlayStation is one of the iconic gaming systems that have a variety of legendary games. This game was released for the PlayStation, and if you want to play it on your device, you need a PSX emulator, and one of the best available emulators is PCSX-Reloaded. It supports most of the game and is easy to configure. Another excellent PSX emulator that you can use is ePSXe. This emulator gives you a higher performance rate. You can use ePSXe for Linux, Android, and Windows. To play the game solely on android, then Psx4droid is one of the fastest and compatible emulators.