
Resident Evil - Deadly Silence

Deadly Silence is a new version of Resident Evil first game, and in this game, you have a knife battle from a first-person view and some new features include in this version of Resident Evil game.

Parameters Values
File Name: 0314 - Resident Evil - Deadly Silence (U)(WRG).7z
Console/System: NDS
Genre: Shooter
Filesize: 98.14MB
Region: Japanese
Year of release: 2006
Downloads: 35152

Resident Evil - Deadly Silence ROM Download for NDS


When you play this game, you will witness some of the very hurtful and grisly looking scenes of viciousness that the game is loaded up with. The narrative of Resident Evil viably makes way for a lot of tense and sensational activity. The story, however, is much more exciting and interesting that will keep you engaged. The world-class S.T.A.R.S. Alpha group is responsible for inspecting with bravo group, which vanished while exploring an unsettling encounter which took place close to an old mansion. However, the alpha group is instantly assaulted by violent beings and compelled to separate.



The game utilizes the dual-screen display to show the map and uses the top screen, alongside the player's excess health and ammo which is dictated by the shade of the foundation. In contrast, the vital activity in the game is shown by the bottom screen, and you can look at the player's inventory with the help of the bottom screen. In other versions of the game for example D.S. version the game additionally incorporates play mechanics which are advanced: the 180-degree turn presented in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, alongside strategic, reload from Resident Evil 4 and button used for the knife in the game. Both Classic and Rebirth modes can easily benefit from updated controls.

Four players or more with two diverse multiplayer game modes can play this game at the same time with the help of remote LAN support. At the early on you would witness a cooperative mode where every player is required to assist each other with understanding riddles and breaking out from the manor together. The second mode is a strict mode wherein the goal is to get the most noteworthy score out of the relative multitude of players by decimating the most beasts, with the more challenging creatures being worth more points.


Best Emulator for Resident Evil - Deadly Silence


Depending on the operating system on which you want to play Resident Evil- Deadly Silence, it is necessary to use an ideal NDS emulator. If you wish to save your game progress, use cheat codes in the game, also if you are a fan of multiplayer modes where you can play with many friends, then Nintendo DS is the emulator which provides this feature. With the support of a Wi-Fi connection, you can also communicate with other NDS emulator users.

Every operating system has different NDS emulators ideal for that system:

·       Mac- DeSmuME, RetroArch, OpenEmu,

·       Android- SuperNDS, EmuBox, RetroArch

·       Windows- RetroArch, No$GBA, MelonDS, NeonDS

·       Linux- iDeas


Similar Games


  1. Resident Evil 3 Nemesis- In this game, the story revolves around an animal called the Nemesis who is frequently after you and fights you. The game is based in a city called Raccoon city where there are out of control zombies, causing chaos.

  2. Resident Evil Genesis- While playing this game, you would witness a riddle and adventure gameplay instead of an action-based approach that we've found in Resident Evil 4. This is significantly an agreeable change as it indeed passes on a feeling of experience in the vein of a year ago Hotel Dusk for the DS.  

  3. Resident Evil 4- In Resident Evil 4, Players can opt for a more reactive and cooperative behaviour with the surrounding of the game: leaping out of a window, kicking down ladders, evading an assault or performing a finishing move on weak foes.



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