
Freshly Picked - Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland (FireX) (E)

Parameters Values
File Name: 1404 - Freshly Picked - Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland (E)(FireX).7z
Console/System: NDS
Genre: Adventure
Filesize: 31.95MB
Region: Europe
Year of release: 2006
Downloads: 408

Freshly Picked - Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland (FireX) (E) ROM Download for NDS


We all are fans of fun and exciting games that we can play when we are bored with our daily routine. If you are a fan of games that are not easy to play, we recommend checking them out. It's called Freshly Picked-Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland!

Everything you need to know about 'Freshly Picked-Tingle Rosy' and how you can play that game on your computer.


In Freshly Picked-Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland game, the player has to build a tower to different heights by feeding Rupee to it, which you can collect through puzzle-solving dungeon adventures. The game features three continents with 11 islands. Each offers different dungeons, which have to be cleared by the player to receive the mega-Rupee award and gems by defeating dungeon bosses/enemies. Further, while fighting the dungeon bosses, Tingle's Rupee collected depletes so the player can engage Bodyguards to assist Tingle in fights. These Bodyguards come in different abilities and character; however, if Tingle defeats the enemy, the mega Rupee award and rare items are received. While travelling the dungeon, the game character Tingle can collect different items that can be sold for profit or mixed to obtain other things to decorate Tingle's home or change the character's clothing. 


Best Emulator for Freshly Picked- Tingle Rosy Rupeeland ROM

Freshly Picked-Tingle Rosy Rupeeland can be played online or offline on DownloadROMS. To play the ROM Freshly Picked-Tingle Rosy Rupeeland on PC, the user must have a console and an emulator to run it. The console required for this particular game is NDS, i.e., Nintendo Nintendo DS and downloading the corresponding emulator. There are plenty of NDS emulators available online. Here are our best picks of NDS emulators.

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