The game is based on the first two seasons of the anime franchise of the same name. It was released in 2008 by Atari and Namco. The player takes the role of Goku, who is on a quest with Bulma in search of the seven mythical dragon balls, and also to participate in the Tenkaichi Budokai. The game begins with Goku as a child, and he teams up with Bulma to find the mysterious balls. These balls can grant one wish to anyone who collects all of them. After completing certain parts of the story, the player can also participate in side-stories such as finding Ox-King's lost treasure, rescuing Alexi, training with Krillin, and many more.
The playable character of the game is Goku. The goal is simple to reach the end of the stage. Goku has two different modes: he uses his power pole and the other where he attacks bare-handed. Bulma escorts him in many locations and tries to kill every enemy she encounters. They both have a life meter, and if that becomes empty, then the game gets over. The primary mode of the game is the Episode Select. The player gets the option to play each episode in chronological order or at random. After completing each instalment, a new instalment gets unlocked. When enemies get defeated, they drop skill orbs or bags of Zeni. With the use of Zeni, the player can buy weapons, drink, figurines, and guns. There are two hundred figurines in the game. These figures are the avatars of all characters present in the game. The player can exchange figures with other players with the help of wireless multi-card play.
To play this game, you will need to have a Nintendo DS emulator. There are many options available out there, so let us look at some of the best emulators. DeSmuMe- DeSmuMe works for Windows PC; it's free and efficiently runs most commercial games. Citra 3DS emulator is an open-source, user-friendly emulator that allows you to run Nintendo games on your computer. It runs on Windows, Linux, and OSX.