Children of Mana (FireX) is a 2006 action video game created by Square Enix and Nex Entertainment and distributed by Square Enix and Nintendo for the Nintendo DS handheld console. Set in a high fantasy world, Children of Mana follows one of the four young legends' stories as they battle an attack of beasts and find out about the destructive event that killed their families.
Children of Mana (FireX) was received very well by the audience as well as the critics. According to Enterbrain, it had sold a little more than 3 million in Japan. It was praised across the world for its various features and attractive gameplay. Reviewing the website Metacritic gave it an aggregate score of 67 out of 100.
Children of Mana (FireX) feature a top-to-bottom approach in which characters explore the territory and fight dangerous creatures. Each character has rankings: the destruction they do with magic, how quickly they can attack, and the quantity of health and mana they have. They can pick any character in the game, except from a couple of journeys that are specific to one character.
NDS emulators offer enhanced graphics and gaming experience, vital for activity battling games like Children of Mana and numerous other comparable games. If you're not ready to completely appreciate any game, you can undoubtedly change the game's design setting or the illustration settings in NDS emulators. Applying cheat codes in any game is likewise not an issue as NDS emulators are furnished with cheat code directors, which allows you to do so. Easy online availability and USB regulator delivers you with an extraordinary encounter of the game. The in-game audio and video recording features are the best of NDS emulators. A few NDS emulators are SuperNDS, RetroArch, EmuBox, and so on.