Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, released in the year 2002, is an upgraded port for the Sonic Adventure 2 video game. Sonic Team USA developed, and Sega published the game for the GameCube. The port introduced has a variety of new additional features with many changes in the game.
Unlike the rest of the Sonic games, here, the game takes place between two types of storylines, which is the Hero story and the Dark story. In the Hero story, the characters featured are Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy, who is non-playable. Whereas in Dark story, Dr. Eggman, Shadow, and Rouge characters are featured. The stages in the game progress according to the storyline of each playable character.
The mini-game Chao Adventure 2, which was available in the previous version, is now replaced by Tiny Chao Garden, which can play via GBA. Also, the Chao Karate is now added to the Chao Stadium. With more all-around accessible options, the A-Life system also has been upgraded.
To play the Sonic Adventure 2 Battle ROM on your device, then first have to download and install the GameCube emulator. You can run GameCube emulators on Windows PC, Linux, and MAC OS.
Dolphin emulators are one of the best emulators which support all platforms. Some other best GameCube emulators are SuperGCube, Dolwin, Whine Cube, GCEMU, and so on. Among these, Dolwin, Whine Cube, and SuperGCube are only supported on Windows. In contrast, you can use GCEMU to run on all platforms like Dolphin emulator.
If you liked playing Sonic Adventure 2 Battle ROM, then the games which are under this series and having similar gameplays may also catch your interest. So, I have listed down three Sonic Adventure 2 Battle related games.