Naruto Clash of Ninja 2, released in the year 2003, is a fighting video game that comes under the second installment in the series of Naruto Clash of Ninja video games. Lighting developed the game, and Tomy published it for the GameCube. The game is also based on the popular manga and anime series Naruto. The game follows the same plot of the series, which is in a story mode that starts from the graduation of Naruto from the Ninja Academy till the period of the Chunin exams. The characters from the first installment are still there, along with a few newly added characters, those who are from the Chunin Exam arc.
In this version, apart from the single-player mode, there is a mode to play multiplayer, where four players can fight at the same time. The goal of the player in each stage is to reduce the health of their opponents to zero. Also, players can obtain some unlockable features in this game by performing specific tasks that add to the game's shop, and even the money the players received from fights can be used to buy access to these features.
To play the game Naruto Clash of Ninja 2, in the series of Naruto Clash of Ninja, you have to download and install an emulator called GameCube. You can run GameCube emulators on all platforms such as Linux, Microsoft Windows, and MAC. A few of the best GameCube emulators that are available to download online are GCEMU, SuerGCube, Dolwin, Whine Cube, and Dolphin. And Dolphin emulators are the most popular and incredible GameCube emulator among all these.
If you loved playing this version of the game in the series of Naruto Clash of Ninja, then you may even like other games that have a few similar gameplay mechanics and features.