Chibi Robo, released in Europe in the year 2005, is a platform-adventure video game, initially conceived as a point-and-click adventure game. Skip Ltd and Bandai developed the game, and Nintendo published it for the GameCube.
The game takes place in a 1960s-style American home and focuses on a tiny, highly advanced robot named Chibi Robo, presented as a birthday gift to the retired eight-year-old Jenny Sanderson. Chibi-Robo comes with a package of one small "Chibi-House," and an assistant called Telly Vision speaks on his behalf.
The player takes control of the Chibi Robo, who does housework for humans. The gameplay mainly involves getting "Happy Points" by performing numerous housework tasks by navigating in the Sanderson family. Every action drains energy, so the player requires to recharge the Robot using an electrical outlet.
Chibi Robo's objective is to be the top-ranked "Super Chibi-Robo" in the world by performing the tasks and doing other good deeds for the family and numerous other toys in the household. The player must do essential work to gain Happy Points, such as scrubbing dirty footprints, disposing of the trash, or cleaning up messes around the house. There are even three collectible items such as Stickers, which the player gets by playing mini-games and completing certain quests, Frog Rings, and Crayon.
You need to download and install a GameCube emulator on your device to play the game Chibi Robo. You can run GameCube emulators on three different platforms, such as MAC, Linux, and Windows PC. Dolphin emulator is one of the best emulators which you can run on all platforms effortlessly.
Other great GameCube emulators include GCEMU, Dolwin, SuperGCube, and Whine Cube.
If you loved playing this platform-adventure video game, then you may even like other games that are similar to Chibi Robo ROM. A few of the games that are from the Chibi Robo series includes: