Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters, also known as Yu-Gi-Oh World Championship Tournament 2006 in Europe, released in the year 2006, is a strategy video game based on the Yu-Gi-Oh franchise. Konami developed and published the game for the Game Boy Advance.
The gameplay of Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters involves the player collecting cards in-game and using them to combat with the computer players. Upon completing the Free Duel mode, the players may even battle against Decks that they designed themselves and saved. Additionally, the game comes along with three promotional cards, namely Golden Homunculus, Helios Duo Megistus, and Helios - The Primordial Sun. Moreover, all the cards made in English are also there in this game.
Unlike previous games, the cards obtained from packs directly associate with those published for the TCG. There are also specialized packs that focus on themes such as Warriors, Spellcasters, and Machines. Apart from Dueling with other players, there is also a feature for Challenging, and these comprise Survival Duel, Themed Duels, and Duel Puzzles. The players can unlock free Duel Duelists and more packs after completing a specific percentage of challenges.
You need to download and install a Game Boy Advance emulator on your device to play Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters 2006 ROM. Some of the great Game Boy Advance emulators that you can download on the MAC platform include DeSmuMe, Boycott Advance, and Sixtyforce. If you want to play the game on Microsoft Windows, then you can install emulators such as Visual Boy Advance, mGBA, NO$GBA, higan, and BatGBA.
You can find many other similar games in Yu-Gi-Oh! Video game series that you may like after playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters 2006 ROM. Three games from the series are listed below.