
Parameters Values
File Name: Sims 2, The (UE) (M6).zip
Console/System: GBA
Genre: Simulation
Filesize: 23.42MB
Region: USA
Year of release: 2004
Downloads: 17956

Sims 2, The ROM Download for GBA 


Sims 2, The, released in the year 2004, is a life simulation strategic video game that falls under The Sims series and is also a sequel to The Sims. Amaze Entertainment developed the game, and Electronic Arts published it for the Game Boy Advance. As it is a life simulation game, the gamer revolves around creating houses, the player's own Sims, families, and neighborhood. 




The player in this game can manage and control their Sims to earn experience rewards and develop relationships with others, just like in the real-life world. However, just like all the previous versions of the game, there is no particular goal for the players to achieve as the gameplay is mainly open-ended. But still, Sims have specific fulfillments in their life which may produce both negative and positive outcomes, fears and different wants, and some life goals. 

Here, the player can choose between playing as constructing a house or building on an empty area, transferring a household into an unoccupied pre-built property, or a pre-made occupied lot. Some of the game modes in Sims 2 include Buy mode; to move, add or delete a piece of furniture; live mode to control Sims, and Build mode to rebuild any house. 


Best Emulator for Sims 2, The ROM


If you want to play Sims 2, The ROM, you need to have an emulator that allows you to play the game. And, for this game, Sims 2, The, an emulator called Game Boy Advance should be installed on your device. Some of the best Game Boy Advance emulators that are suitable to run on Microsoft Windows include BatGBA, higan, NO$GBA, mGBA, Visual Boy Advance, and so on. In case the device you have is MAC, you can install DeSmuMe, Sixtyforce, and Boycott Advance. 


Similar Games 


If you love life simulation video games like Sims2, The, then you may even like other similar games in the series of The Sims. I have listed a few of them.


  1. The Sims 2: University
    It is a strategic life simulation computer game and the first expansion pack for The Sims 2. The expansion pack in this game gives a new age period to the Sims, from Young to Adult. After reaching this age period, they can go to University and get a degree, letting them select any one of four graduate-exclusive careers from the University. Additionally, Sims can earn money by playing music with their instruments at coffee shops, homes, or music clubs.

  2. The Sims 2: Open for Business
    The game comes under the third expansion pack for The Sims 2. The game enables the Sims to run a community lot or a home-based business. There are many new expansions in this game and new fears and wants and even new interactions with kids.  

  3. The Sims 2: Pets
    The game comes under the fifth expansion pack for The Sims 2. Here, the Sims can own dogs, cats, gerbils, and birds, and these pets have three life stages, namely Puppy or Kitten, Adult, and Elder. 


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