
Mother 3

Parameters Values
File Name: 2377 - Mother 3 (J)(WRG).zip
Console/System: GBA
Genre: Role-playing
Filesize: 14.73MB
Region: Japanese
Year of release: 2006
Downloads: 7750

Mother 3 ROM Download for GBA


This game is a single-player role-playing game. It's the last instalment in the Mother series. Although, the mother does not play a significant role in this game, but her absence does. 

Mother 3 is a journey that shows how the loss of a mother can create a series of events. The little boy, Claus goes into the forest in the search for T-Rex-like creatures and to eventually kill them as he feels that these creatures were responsible for the death of his mother. Flint, the father, lost his wife and now his son is missing. He spenst his days looking for his missing son. The game, in a way, shows how a tragedy can shape a person. It does live to all the hype.

Game plot

There are eight chapters in the game. Each chapter has its own story and narrative. The story takes place in the fantasy Nowhere Island, where Lucas lives with his twin brother Claus and his parents Hinawa and Flint. The mysterious force Pigmask army attacks the Tazmily village. While protecting her children from the docile Drogos, Hinawa loses her life. Claus is out there in the jungle to kill the creatures that killed his mother. Flint is on the journey to look for his son. It has an emotional plot and unique battle system, and it is one of the most fun combat games. This game tells a beautiful story, has unique and lovely characters, and incorporates incredible music into a battle system to make it fun and engaging. 

Best Emulator for Mother 3

If you want to run Mother 3 on your mobile or PC, then you need to have a game boy advance emulator. GBA was one of the most noteworthy successes by Nintendo. It allows the users to play their favourite games anyplace they want.
Some of the GBA emulators in which you play this game are- 

Similar games

    1. Mother 1

You should have a game boy advance emulators to play this game. Mother, outside of Japan, is known as Earthbound Beginnings. It is a role-playing video game published by Nintendo and developed by Ape. It follows the story of a young Ninten, who suffered a paranormal attack. With the use of his great-grandfather's studies on psychic power, he fights the aggressive enemies.

    2. Mother 2

You can play this game on SNES emulator. It takes place after the events of the first part Mother. It tells the story of a boy Ness, who along with his friend Pokey is set on a journey to find his friend's brother, Picky. He discovers that an alien force Giygas is turning humans, animals, object into nasty creatures. Along his way, he meets other kids who they join him in his quest. 

    3. Dragon quest

To play this game, you will need super Nintendo. The basic principle of the Dragon Quest game is that you have to play a hero who is out there to save the world from a powerful evil enemy. A group of friends usually accompanies the Hero.






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