PPSSPP emulador


Este é um emulador de PlayStation Portable para Symbian.

PPSSPP was the first PSP emulator available for Android. It is actively developed emulator with releases for almost every possible platform including Android, iOS, Symbian, Blackberry, Pandora, Windows, macOS and Linux. It is written in C++ and is open source and everybody is welcome to keep working and improving the emulator. PPSSPP has improved resolution, can run smoothly on all mobile phones and tablets and has all the standard features an emulator requires like saving and loading states, customize controls and connect controllers and game pads.

Configurações Valores
Sistema: PSP
Plataforma: Symbian
Versão: 0.9.9
Nome do arquivo: PPSSPP-v0.9.9.sis
Tamanho do arquivo: 9547336
Downloads: 802
Página inicial: Aqui
O emulador funcionou?
Trabalhou para 78% / do 49 eleitorado