VGS XP emulator

Connectix VGS XP

This is a Sony PlayStation 1 emulator for Windows.

One of the most popular PSX emulators for Windows back in the day. After the very successful release and lots of people staying behind it Sony decided to sue the company which originally developed the emulator. Even though they won the lawsuit against Sony, from that moment of everything started to go downhill. It can run smoothly on most of the machines even the one with the very basic configurations. It offers resolutions way higher than the original. The last official release is dating back from 2006 and is no longer being developed.

Parameters Values
Console: PSX
Platform: Windows
Version: 1.41
File Name: Connectix VGS 1.41 Video Patch XP
Filesize: 0.82MB
Downloads: 2590
Homepage: Link
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Worked for 58% / based on 31 voters